Sunday, September 1, 2013

Here comes..beautiful (scary?)!!

I've been struck at how important beauty is in Korea. I took the metro yesterday, and saw at least more than three advertisements for cosmetic surgery. Why Korean women (and men) who are already so gorgeous, would want to change the way they look is beyond me!

However, I think the fundamental need for beauty is something that runs deep in this country. Why? I'm not sure...still working on that one! However it is evident in the amount of beauty and make-up stores on one block, as well as the numerous girls, one walks by, quickly glancing at a handheld mirror to fix the imaginary blemish. Unlike in the States, where one feels no qualms to walk across campus in sweatpants and sneakers, Koreans here are always fashionably dressed.

Me looking scary on a normal Sunday night!^^
(Wearing a facial mask. It really works, my skin is wonderfully soft now!^^)
Yet there is also a desire for beauty that goes beyond the physical. I wend to the University's church this morning, and was pleasantly surprised they offered translation for English speakers! The service reminded me somewhat of a traditional Presbyterian service, but still very different. Perhaps it was the unusual  (to me) looking altar, or the huge glass window. Perhaps it was the haunting music of the choir, or the stirring soloist who sang during the Offering. I don't know what it was exactly, but the one word to describe the service, that came to my mind was simply 'beautiful'.

What I liked about the service was the reverence it called forth, and the seriousness with which the congregation approached worship. And yet....I'm still working through some things! Thanks to the excellent translation I was able to understand the service, and it was stimulating. I have a lot to think about!

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