Apparently growing up in Austria has rubbed up on me somewhat, for the thing I've been dying to do since coming to Seoul, is to hike! Today I went to Umyeonsan to do just that. Google says this mountain, whose name means "Sleeping Cow" is one of the easiest accessible mountains in Seoul. Let me share my journal entry I wrote shortly after my experience to better illustrate my adventure!
My cool drink (much needed) and journal to tell my story! |
"I'm here at the SAC (Seoul Arts Center) cooling down with a cold drink. I came here to go hiking on the mountain behind SAC. I had planned to go find a quiet spot, pull out my Bible and sketchbook and 'be still' (Ps. 46). Well, it seems like that was not to be!
After getting directions from google, I set out from Ewha, taking the subway for 45 min. Despite these reliable google directions I so counted on, I walked aimlessly between towering skyscrapers for over an hour, before finally finding the SAC and the entrance to the mountain. Determined to enjoy the day, despite the setback, I started out on my journey, eager to take good pictures, to draw and to find a space to read. I also wanted to find the temple that was supposedly located
somewhere on the rather imposing hill before me.
The beginning of the mountain trail. This part was easy! Believe me, it got a LOT harder after this! |
Half way up the mountain; 5 forks in the road later, I was resigned to enjoy the nature around me, even without finding the buddhist temple. I paused on one of the dirt steps hewn into the pathway. Rummaging in my heavy backpack (I always come prepared!) I grab my camera for a picture. Glancing up my eyes met those of a kindly looking grandfather coming towards me, with chipper steps. He is dressed in cargo pants, a blue shirt, and wore one of those old fisher man's hats. He looked lively and hardly out of breath, making me acutely aware of my sweat-drenched t-shirt.
Some of the steps. These were NOT steep. They get worse farther up! |
I smiled at the man, expecting him to pass by. To my surprise, he pauses in his stride and asks where I am going in wonderful, broken English. I am so surprised, and so pleased to speak to this Korean elderly gentlemen.
"The temple", I replied.
"With me" he gestured and smiled, motioning me to follow him.
Relieved to have found someone who would be able to point me in the right direction, I put my tired self into motion once more. To my surprise, the man made no attempt to leave in the other direction. Instead he led the way, all 1000 meters, up steep steps at a pace even Austrians would have found daunting!
While I followed behind this kind gentleman, huffing and puffing, he began a conversation. I told him I am American, and currently studying at Ewha, and that I've only been in Korea for 2 weeks. He was amazed at this, and complimented me on my broken attempts at Korean. I felt quite pleased at his kind words.
I also learned that the man was retired, in his 70s (another reason I was feeling quite ashamed at my lagging pace, profound sweating, and loud huffing and puffing). He has two daughters and two sons. One daughter graduated from Ewha several years ago. He seemed extremely proud of his children and smiled, his eyes crinkling pleasantly, at their mention.
Together we hike up to the outlook on the very top of the 산 (mountain). It is breathtaking.
Next my self-appointed tour guide led me down the mountain side to the temple. After showing me around, and explaining the functions of the different houses, I pulled out my camera and looked at him questioningly. He nodded and I eagerly took pictures. Sadly the lighting was very bad. Perhaps it'll suffice for a painting! [if so, I'll post soon]
The colors on the temple were stunning! |
As were the intricate details! Sadly, as you can see, the lighting is pretty bad... |
Together we set off for SAC, where he left with a smile and a handshake. I thanked him profusely for his kindness with the only Korean I really know, "정말 감사합니다!!" (Thank you so much!!)
The SAC Opera house. After cooling off a little, I decided to sketch the building. I'd love to come back here and actually go to an opera! |
Completely spent after racing up and down an entire mountain in only 1 hour, I slowly moved to the vending machines in front of the SAC Opera house. I bought a 700 Won juice and sat at these silver chairs in the open square.
I came here expecting to spend alone time. Instead, my path crossed with a man who showed kindness to a complete stranger. I am so thankful I was able to meet this man, whose name I do not know, and through him learn a little more about the people and culture of this beautiful country."
A collage of me being exhausted, the trail and my cool drink as a reward! |
So there we have it: My adventure on Sleeping Cow! Was it an adventure? Although I encountered no snakes, or spiders, did not fall down a ravine, or anything dangerous; I think so. I met a random stranger who showed kindness to me, and despite language barriers, was able to have a conversation with me. Through this man's random act of kindness, reaching out to a stranger, I felt welcomed to his country and very, very thankful for the opportunity to be here.
I think I had a wonderful adventure, and I can't wait for more to come!