I survived the first week of orientation. Just kidding, it's really not been that bad. In fact, it has been one of the most fun weeks I've ever had.
Orientation started bright and early 5 a.m at Incheon airport. All 73 ETAs were picked up and brought to Jungwon University in Goesan. We immediately took a Korean language placement test, and were then initiated into the orientation process via several workshop sessions explaining the way the next couple weeks were going to go.
My daily schedule looks something like this:
7:30 am-wake up
8-9 am- breakfast
10-1 pm- Korean language class
2-3 pm- Korean language class
3-6 pm- various workshops
6-7 pm- dinner
7-9 pm- various meetings, Korean homework help, etc.
A Buddhist temple behind Jungwon University |
The days are very, very busy and leave little time for anything else, but we are learning so much, and it thrills me! I have never been surrounded by a more invested, more enthusiastic group of people. All 73 of us want to be here. All of us have a passion for learning in one way or another, and through that a passion for teaching as well. I know, looking at the people around me, they are all going to make some pretty awesome teachers!
My Korean language class |
On the flip side, it is intimidating as well. Having never taught an official language class before, I am unfamiliar with education terminology such as "scaffolding" a lesson, etc. I know I will love my students, and try and help them learn English to the best of my ability, but the question, "Will it be enough?" does nag me occasionally. Thankfully, I still have 5 weeks of orientation to prepare me for it!